Inner peace is a deep human need, just like air, water, food, love, and sunshine.
Once you can believe that inner peace is attainable for you then you too can work toward gaining inner peace. It is essential for inner peace that we believe it’s possible and that we believe we are in control of our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Once we truly believe and acknowledge this, the foundation for inner peace has been built.
Inner peace is not just for those who dedicate their lives to prayer or spirituality. Inner peace is not only for mystics and monks. Many think that once they take break from work, peace will prevail because their life is so busy and peace can never be attained in such busy life. Many people think one day circumstances will change and then it’ll be peaceful. Inner peace is attainable regardless of our lifestyle or occupation. Inner peace is not only a thing you must achieve but should become a lifestyle. Having inner peace is what allows you to enjoy and appreciate the present, regardless of whether it’s good or bad. You can’t do everything, you can’t always win and you certainly can’t please everyone. So choosing what matters and is important to you will help you free yourself of unnecessary stress and unhappiness.
Does peace lead to happiness? Or, conversely, does happiness lead to peace? or both are symbiotic.
Conflicting philosophies!
For me, the pursuit of inner peace is more important and vital then the search for happiness or success.
Inner peace calms your mind and allows you to see your path much clearer, helping you focus and keep track of your goals. Having clear goals is like having a compass; you know where you want to go, you aim for it and commit to the road, trusting that all obstacles are worthy challenges rather than intimidating threats.
When you enjoy peace within yourself, you share your happiness and positive mindset with the people that surround you, especially your loved ones. And what’s better than spreading positivity in this otherwise negative scenarios prevailing in the world. Avoid chasing after those things that society has determined to be important. Avoid being a people pleasure. Avoid trying to change others. You’ll have as much success trying to change the weather as you do trying to change other people.
Things you should give up(based on my experience)
Excessive self-blame
Trying to impress people
Victim mentality
Toxic people and relationships
Chasing happiness
Judging people and situations
Some might progress fast, and others at a slower pace. Some might reach far, and others not so far. However, everyone can gain, at least a certain measure of inner peace, enough to transform their lives.